Poll Workers

The heart and soul of our elections are the poll workers that run the precincts in Duval County.

The value of their work is often overlooked by the voters because when things go very smoothly, poll workers are hardly even noticed. Poll workers are patriotic and show great respect for the election process. They take pride in their work and are focused on the protection of every citizen’s right to vote.

We are always looking for poll workers to work with us to ensure fair, accurate and accessible elections. We especially need bilingual poll workers. We also invite 16- and 17-year-old high school students who are pre-registered to vote to join us as poll workers. 

Poll Worker Application Form
Supervised and Early Voting Poll Worker Information
F.A.Q. for Poll Workers
Poll Worker Vote-by-Mail Request



You must be staffed in order to train for the General Election. Staffing emails will be sent out by October 15. If you are an experienced poll worker and you have not received a staffing assignment or online training notification by email by September 23, you may email duvalelectionsedu@coj.net to inquire about your work status.

Election Day

Brand new Election Day online training is available for the General Election! Experienced poll workers who will be working on Election Day will only take online training for the General Election. Staffed Election Day workers will receive an invitation by email no later than September 23 to access online training. Once a poll worker has completed their assigned online training, they will have met their training requirement to work. There will not be any training labs for the General Election. 

New poll workers will take their entire training in person at the Elections Center at 1 Imeson Park Blvd, Ste. 100. There is no online training for new poll workers. Please email duvalelectionsedu@coj.net to sign up.

New Deputy (1-hr class):

Monday 9/30 at 2:00 p.m.

New Inspector Tech (3-hour class):

Saturday 9/28 at 9:00 a.m.

Monday 9/30 at 8:00 a.m.

New Manager/Assistant Manager (4-hour class):

Tuesday 10/1 at 8:00 a.m.

Early Voting

Brand new Early Voting online training is available for the General Election! All staffed Early Voting workers will receive an invitation by email no later than September 23 to access online training. For Experienced Early Voting Inspector Techs and Deputies, the online training for Election Day also meets your training requirement for Early Voting. There will not be any training labs for the General Election. 

All Early Voting Team Leaders and Assistant Team Leaders are required to also attend in-person training in addition to the online training. Please email duvalelectionsedu@coj.net to sign up.

Team Leader/Assistant Team Leader (1-hr class):

Wednesday 9/11 at 12:00 p.m. or 5:30 p.m.

Saturday 9/14 at 8:00 a.m.

Supervised Voting

Experienced workers for supervised voting do not need to complete training for the General Election. There is no online training for Supervised Voting.

New workers for Supervised Voting are required to attend in-person training. Please email duvalelectionsedu@coj.net to sign up.

New Supervised Voting (1-hr class):

Wednesday 9/4 at 1:00 p.m.

Resources for Poll Workers

The Ballot Box- September 2024 Poll Worker Newsletter
Early Voting Team Leader Meeting
Early Voting Manual
Manager Handbook
Precinct Manual
Serving Voters with Disabilities in Florida
Express Vote Instructional Video