General Election Information

ADA Accessibility 

ADA Checklist for Polling Places at

Election Advisory Panel

The Duval County Election Advisory Panel was created by Ordinance 2002-373-E Word doc of Ordinance 2002-373-E PDF of Ordinance 2002-373-E  to review the voter registration and the election process, procedures, and experiences in Duval County to ensure a fair, impartial and effective election process. The panel is composed of nine members, selected as follows: (a) Three members of the public designated by the Council President; and (b) Three members of the public designated by the Mayor; and (c) Three members designated by the Supervisor of Elections, one of whom shall be employed full-time at the Supervisor of Elections office. The panel meets at least quarterly and reports annually to City Council. 
Duval County Election Advisory Panel

EAP By-Laws Word doc of Election Advisory Panel By-Laws PDF of Election Advisory Panel By-Laws

Electoral College

The process for electing the President and Vice President in the United States is called the Electoral College. The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. The Electoral College page on the National Archives website is an excellent resource to learn more about presidential elections. 

Ethics Hotline and Whistle Blower Protection

Election Law

Jacksonville Election Code Word doc of Jacksonville Election Code PDF of Jacksonville Election Code

Florida Election Laws on the Florida Division of Elections website
